Latest marine biology News

Future career possibilities warm up at annual JCU Winter School
Art a vehicle for Cultural identity in NSW education reform
More than coral: the unseen casualties of record-breaking heat on the Great Barrier Reef
Light pollution affects coastal ecosystems too – this underwater ‘canary’ is warning of the impacts
Dr. Christina Howley: ‘Working to protect Cape York’s remote waterways is worth the constant challenge’
Swimmers to be safer thanks to ‘CSI-like’ investigations into box jellyfish movements
Using photos to create 3D models is helping us understand – and protect – complex marine environments
Deep-sea squid gives up secrets
Coral – algae relationships investigated
Young crown-of-thorns starfish can survive heatwaves. That’s yet more bad news for the Great Barrier Reef
Mussels able to adjust heart rate to cope with marine heatwaves
Saskia von Faland: ‘The land and ocean are all connected’
Seaweed is taking over coral reefs. But there’s a gardening solution – sea-weeding
Pygmy blue whale found at Red Beach now buried
How do we decide which coral species to underwrite in a warming future?
From little things, big things can grow – prompting climate action
Australian Antarctic Medal recipients announced 21 June 2023
Kaikōura’s deep seabed is rapidly recovering, says NIWA
Forensics are different when someone dies in a body of water. First, you need to locate them
Tiny aquatic athletes: how baby Nemo can ‘just keeping swimming’ from the open ocean to the reef
Whale-watching guidelines don’t include boat noise. It’s time they did
Mysterious new behaviour seen in whales may be recorded in ancient manuscripts
Why sponges may be ‘canary in coal mine’ for impacts of marine heatwaves
Hook, line and tagged by Deakin researchers over decade ago
Kayla Rowe makes waves saving marine life in Maldives
Moving across world to study Australia’s ancient dinosau
Young achievers in out-of-home care make grade
First major dolphin DNA study
Coral reef preservation efforts not looking at whole picture
Coral reef preservation efforts not looking at whole picture
45,000 marine species are at-risk – what’s most vulnerable?
Deep diving into managing one of our greatest resources!
Innovation & sustainability jewels in WA pearl farmer’s crown