Latest Max Planck Society News | Page 18

Human genetic diversity of South America reveals complex history of Amazonia
Scientists call for modernization of EU gene-editing legislation
Silk Road Origins of Foods We Eat” by Dr. Robert N. Spengler III
Finding one’s way in rainforest
Journeys of hoverflies
Flying chariots and exotic birds
A new concept for self-assembling micromachines
Moon dust is not to be sneezed at
Infanticide by mammalian mothers
“The telescope offers enormous potential”
Entire sky in X-rays
Remembering Suzanne Eaton
“Forgive your worst enemy”
Grazing animals drove domestication of grain crops
Icarus is switched on
Support for returning researchers in Argentina
Ancient DNA sheds light on origins of Biblical Philistines
Neutral evolution shapes lifespan and ageing
Interactive zebrafish brain
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft publishes survey on work culture and work atmosphere
Research Highlights 2018
Second term for Max Planck President Martin Stratmann
Ancient history of Neandertals in Europe
Wolfgang Baumeister wins Stifterverbandspreis 2019
Stem cells moonlight to protect stomach from bacterial invaders
Artificial intelligence learns to recognize nerve cells by their appearance
Max Planck Society convenes in Hamburg
Satellite with X-ray vision
Matthias Mann nominated for European Inventor Award 2019
Hidden structure of periodic system
Origins of Cannabis Smoking: Marijuana Use in First Millennium BC
Brains of birds synchronize when they sing duets
One of simplest animals live in symbiosis with bacteria
Dramatic change in ancient pastoralist diets associated with expansion of political networks
Ancient DNA sheds light on migration and impact of Arctic hunter-gatherers to North America about 5000 years
Details of first historically recorded plague pandemic revealed by ancient genomes
Human ancestors invented stone tools several times
Improved diabetes in spite of obesity
Humans used northern migration routes to reach eastern Asia