Latest national minimum wage News

Minimum Wages Increase From 1 July 2024
Minimum Wage Increases From Today
Pay Rise For Low Paid Workers And Women
Minimum wage increase fails to erase post-pandemic losses
Labor’s budget surplus betrays renters, mortgage holders and students while keeping a future for coal and gas
Insecure work and poor pay forces musicians to hang up their instruments: new survey
Ai Group proposes 2.8% minimum wage increase strikes a responsible balance in a slowing economy
Albanese government to Fair Work Commission: Don’t let real wages go backwards for the low paid
Finance and mortgage broking company in court
NDIA releases latest financial sustainability report
CDU law experts call for government parental leave reform
More jobs added to Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee
Businesses prepare for 1 July changes
Fair Work Commission announces decision regarding Annual Wage Review
Fair Work: 5.75% Award Wage Boost will not cause “Wage-Price Spiral”
Annual Wage Review 5.75% increase is disappointing but seeks to strike a balance
Fixing critical worker shortage by paying students
Act now to stamp out exploitation of migrant workers
National Minimum Wage Ai Group calls for increase of 3.8%
7% Minimum Wage Rise Would Tackle Inflation, not Feed it: Research
One million hours of sick and carer’s pay for casuals
One Million Hours Of Sick And Carer’s Pay For Casuals
Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend Georgia on Mechanisms to Advance Women’s Empowerment, Ask about Initiatives…
Melbourne consulting services company faces court
National Accounts – September Quarter 2022
Anonymous tip-offs help expose workplace breaches
Parental leave expansion big step forward for working parents
MEAA submission to National Cultural Policy Review
Cultural policy review must address poverty wages of arts workers
Australian Country Choice signs Enforceable Undertaking
How can private insurance help fund Australia’s aged care?
Minimum wage increases
Minimum wage increases today 1 July
Don’t overlook July 1 changes
Get set for minimum wage increase
ACTCOSS welcomes increase to minimum wage recognising vital efforts of frontline workers
FWC’s Annual Wage Review Decision Adds Fuel to Inflation Fire
Increase to minimum wage welcome recognition of those who have carried us through our toughest times
Exit Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Australians Want Wage Growth in Line with Cost of Living
Annual Wage Review Ai Groups final submission
Government Annual Wage Review Submission Ai Group Comment
Giving Ballarat Casual Workers Sick Pay Guarantee
Three per cent wage increase is balanced, responsible and sustainable
Annual Wage Review Ai Group’s Reply Submission
Standing With Victoria’s Casual And Insecure Workers
Morrison announces pay cut for tradies
Giving Geelong Casual Workers Sick Pay Guarantee