Latest national minimum wage News | Page 2

Giving Geelong Casual Workers Sick Pay Guarantee
Annual Wage Review Fair Work Commission urged to not take chances with fragile recovery
Gig economy, non-standard work and flexibility
Budget High Wire Act for Uncertain Times
Australian-first sick pay guarantee for casual workers
Australian-First Sick Pay Guarantee For Casual Workers
Experts of Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Commend Democratic Republic of Congo for its Endorsement of Safe
Non-governmental Organizations Brief Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women on Situation of Women
Omnibus Bill provides clarity, flexibility and jobs stimulus
Victorian Chamber looks forward to consultation on Secure Work Pilot Scheme
Victoria To Take First Big Step To Tackle Insecure Work
IBM repays Aussie staff $12M
IBM signs Enforceable Undertaking
Minimum wage increases today
“Either I’m starving or I’m dying of coronavirus” – gig economy companies must do more to protect workers during
Heightened economic uncertainty requires a new approach in this year’s Annual Wage Review
Wage crisis continues, public sector wage growth lowest on record
FWO takes action alleging underpayment of nanny
New minimum wage kicks in today
NDIS announces substantial price increases
New minimum wage yearly bill for businesses up by at least $2.2 billion