Latest Nebraska News

ISU trio headed abroad after selection for prestigious Fulbright awards
Up and away with the Iowa State University high-altitude balloon course
Challenges and successes: Exploring conversations between the National Park Service and Native people
Potato plant radiation sensors could one day monitor radiation in areas surrounding power plants
Researchers advance ‘placenta-on-a-chip’ with sensing, imaging technology
Biobased Sprayable Mulch Films Suppressed Annual Weeds in Vegetable Crops
Drug decelerates bacterial race to antibiotic resistance
New data to measure cropland nutrient budgets
Learning about technology vital to social, cultural development, researcher says
Mechanism ‘splits’ electron spins in magnetic material
Warming climate to result in reduced corn production; irrigation blunts effect
Center for Design Research and Innovation announces new director
Macrogrid study: Big value in connecting America’s eastern and western power grids
Study explores how climate change may affect rain in U.S. Corn Belt
A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy. Jay Bhattacharya
Study: Death of female soldiers does not diminish support for war
Penn State mourns loss of food science pioneer Philip Keeney
Buzz kill: Spiders ‘hear’ airborne prey via their legs
IATA Welcomes US Military Report on Low Risk of Catching COVID-19 on
Looking back: Historian will discuss early epidemics at Iowa State
Study of ‘shrink-smart’ towns expanding to include curriculum, big data
Flavonoids’ presence in sorghum roots may lead to frost-resistant crop
Baltimore, Bullock’s orioles will retain separate identities
Having Clients From Many Industries Can Hurt Effectiveness of Auditing Firms
Researchers building cyber-physical system to monitor crops, drive decisions, boost yields
New study informing efforts to improve STEM retention
John Marzluff explores how farming, food production and wildlife can coexist
Insecticides becoming more toxic to honey bees
American opera double bill on Shepherd School fall schedule
Old friends and new enemies: How evolutionary history can predict insect invader impacts
Nuance and Microsoft partner to transform doctor-patient experience
Nextlink Internet and Microsoft closing broadband gap in central US
Protecting reputation of our milk and meat
Halting spread of HIV in Midwest is aim of new network
Report seeks to recognize meaning of Mount Rushmore for Native people
MoU opens global floodgates on drought management
Formula racers earn a top-10 finish, analyze data to find even more speed
UNSW Business School ranked 1st in world for Risk and Actuarial studies