Latest nervous system News | Page 3

Tagrisso plus chemotherapy extended median progression-free survival by nearly 9 months in EGFR-mutated advanced lung cancer in FLAURA2 Phase III trial
NSW community urged to be on alert amid rise in listeriosis
FivepHusion says first patient treated in paediatric brain cancer trial
New impulses for immune research
On trail of secrets of immune cells
When proteins get stuck: unlocking the secrets to brain diseases
Our vagus nerves help us rest, digest and restore. Can you really reset them to feel better?
Fishing closures in place after disease detection
Key biological pathway reveals insights into long COVID brain fog
Potential neuropathic pain treatment shows promise in preclinical tests
What is POTS? And how is it related to long COVID?
Laboratory research finds gluten caused brain inflammation
Can Our Dogs Live Longer, Healthier Lives?
Taking an antidepressant? Mixing it with other medicines – including some cold and flu treatments – can be dangerous
How Flies Develop Sight: Scientists Use Single-Cell Sequencing to Identify Cell Types in the Visual System
Therapy dogs enhancing student wellbeing at Carinity schools
WHO endorses landmark public health decisions on Essential Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis
Researchers Identify the Cellular Mechanisms by Which Lactate Helps our Brains Develop
Why your brain health matters
How Mindfulness Can Ease Your Dental Anxiety. Even if You Don’t Love Meditating
Solving rare disease mysteries. And protecting privacy
Five steps to a world of intelligent life
What is ‘fawning’? How is it related to trauma and the ‘fight or flight’ response?
All animal intelligence was shaped by just 5 leaps in brain evolution
First genetic marker discovered for MS severity
New clues in understanding faster disease progression in multiple sclerosis
Slow Walking Could Be Sign of Dementia in Older Dogs
Hope as link between retina and Alzheimer’s revealed
Nurturing Gen Z Engagement and Productivity: Unleashing the Power of Neuroscience
Covid can cause brain cells to ‘fuse’
Gut bacteria changes could signal onset of rare genetic disease
Native tobacco plants reborn as ‘biofactories’ for medicines
Exercise Can Help Decrease Fall Risk for Elderly People
Experiments reveal chilli-sensitive molecular structure fluctuation changes in TRPV1
Tagrisso plus chemotherapy demonstrated strong improvement in progression-free survival for patients with EGFR-mutated advanced lung cancer in FLAURA2 Phase III trial
Mater volunteer’s crazy pants bring smiles to patients
James Packer donates $7m to support mental health research at UNSW
Dr. Kara Marshall named HHMI Freeman Hrabowski Scholar
Evolution of honey bee brains
Interfering with antiviral pathway may deter Alzheimer’s
Map of spinal cord formation gives new knowledge on diseases of the nervous system
FND patients offered hope through new Mater group therapy sessions
Bio-inspired: developing technology to mimic the function of skin
How much energy do we expend thinking and using our brain?
When did you have your last tetanus vaccine? A booster dose may save your life
Improved outcomes for young Aussies with cancer
When did you have your last tetanus vaccine? A booster dose may save your life
Devastated mum gives back to mothers in hospital