Latest no treatment News

“I’m still alive because of it”: Cancer survivor’s research request
Infected blood scandal – what you need to know
PYC Therapeutics plans to progress candidate to human clinical trials
Finding Answers To Unknown IRDs
Participants needed for trial of promising treatment for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
Digital cognitive therapy can help treat obsessive taboo thoughts
Could my glasses be making my eyesight worse?
WHO launches new manual to support delivery of psychological interventions
New drug halts growth of aggressive breast cancer
Controlling inflammation to conquer lung infections
Vital health research wins prestigious NHMRC funding
New adaptive clinical trial offers new hope for progressive multiple sclerosis
Federal government backs the development of treatment for childhood brain cancer
How to protect newborn brain
Striking changes to metal levels discovered in Huntingdon’s Disease patients’ brain tissue
Japanese encephalitis vaccine study to take place in Bathurst
Detection dogs sniff out silent killer to save native plants
New rapid test for deadly mozzie-borne virus: World Mozzie Day
Research discovers key cause of restricted blood flow to the brain in vascular dementia
Study shows ultra-low-dose 4-in-1 blood pressure pill would be cost-effective in Australia
Chasing bacterial evolution to safeguard human health
UQ researchers tackle viruses with pandemic potential
New programme to move potential MND drugs into clinical trials faster
World Continence Week: Strengthening men’s defences
Fewer suicides among boys in regions with more bipolar diagnoses
New report calls on national cell and gene therapy plan
Advanced immunotherapy treatment may hold promise for children with brain cancer
Cruelty charge – no treatment for dog with painful fracture
Bendy joints, stretchy skin, clumsiness. Why hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is often missed – and what it has to do with autism
Effectiveness and safety of analgesics to treat low back pain ‘uncertain’: study
Gene therapy offers hope for severe epilepsy
ANU and Korean firm set sights on finding cure for blindness
UniSC neuroscientist recognised as role model
Budget with some good foundations but it doesn’t deliver for all Australians
Scientist Teams Up with Families to Find Treatment for Rare Disease
4 researchers helping more people survive breast cancer
PBS Listings will help people with spinal muscular atrophy, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis
SPINRAZA becomes first available treatment on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for adults living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
New book focuses on emerging issue of aging with HIV
Study reveals deep inequalities of care for atrial fibrillation patients
Treatment for commonest form of blindness moves step closer
First-of-its-kind study compares domestic violence programs, finds promising results
Collaborative ear health intervention pilot LISTEN UP between community pharmacists and GPs delivers better patient outcomes
Bioprinting for bone repair improved with genes
Labor’s $38M newborn screening program will save tiny lives
Creating Clear Guidelines for Treating Opioid Addiction and Preventing Overdoses
Preclinical model may shed light on eye disease
Study finds that cholesterol-lowering medication may slow knee joint damage