Latest NSW Farmers News | Page 3

Government reminded one size does not fit all
Labor lacking in long-term vision for NSW
NSW Farmers welcomes new board member
$38 million in eID rebates for NSW sheep and goat industry
Progress on sheep and goat traceability
$31 million to fight Varroa mite in regional NSW
State farm reps agree on need for traceability funding
Country vet shortage growing concern
Farmers issue warning on food security
Popular schools connection to remain live
Fairness sought in energy transition
Farmers thank their stars for connection boost
Food producers face fierce financial headwinds
$500,000 to support and empower women in small business
Feral pig numbers ‘out of control’
Biosecurity Commissioner welcomed by state farm organisation
Powerline inquiry welcomed by state’s farmers
Don’t cut critical efforts say farmers
Farmers welcome fast-tracked freight review
Ridiculous regional rate rises slammed
Farmers welcome new off-road ambulances
Farmers, tradies frustrated by government refusal
City Advances Efforts to Improve Hearnes Lake Health
Feds can’t rest on competition reform
State’s dairy industry getting squeezed
Cheaper fertiliser relief for farmers
Farmers get look at foot and mouth response
Farmers, families feeling pinch on milk prices
Renowned Poultry Industry Professional Dr Vivien Kite Retires
NSW Farmers set target for EID
How Coffs Coast drivers can save $62 million
New technique substantially reduces mouse damage to crops even during plagues
Regional housing squeeze holding back economy
AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award sings praises for regional choir founder
Call for flood review to prevent future risk
Farmers welcome Apple’s next-gen safety system
Call for common sense reversal on budget cut
Scrapping dam will hold back food production
Federal budget “falls short” for farmers
Competition reform needed to bring down grocery prices
Farmers welcome biosecurity boost but warn against double-dipping
Don’t scrap critical bush infrastructure
Cost of insurance rise revealed
Farmers threaten Woodside with tractor blockade
Government warned fuel standards could increase costs for families
Price hikes squeeze young farmer hopes
Container levy must for biosecurity