Latest NTEU News

Greens say staggering uni wage theft figures must spark immediate Government action
Union Call Labelled A Stunt
University wage theft on track to exceed $382 million nationally
Union calls out FedUni mismanagement over latest plan to slash jobs
RMIT staff to walk off the job for the fifth time in one year
Victoria University staff set to strike over workloads
Deakin University admits wage theft after two years of denial
Ballarat community members to rally in CBD this Saturday to “Save our Uni and TAFE”
University of Queensland staff suffer ‘staggering’ $8m wage theft
Victoria University staff set to protest over workloads, Gaza
CFMEU ACT urges ANU to abandon student encampment eviction plan
UWA’s mega-$10.6 million wage theft exposed
Federal budget first step in desperately needed university reform
Swinburne’s $2.85 million wage theft reignites calls for action
Enterprise Agreement Update: Monash University
FedUni staff and students protest against massive job cuts
New report reveals unelected corporate stacking of university boards
University Blames ‘historical Issues’ In Payroll Syst
Urgent action needed on wage theft after James Cook University admission
Charles Darwin University must stop attacks on academic freedom
Union calls for major reform after Melbourne Uni fined $75,000
FedUni NTEU members call on Vice Chancellor to resign and will campaign to stop his sweeping job cuts
RMIT staff to strike for whole week after 1000 days without new pay deal
New Griffith Uni payment systems leads to some casuals not getting paid
University’s lavish party for departing boss sparks call for urgent reform
Universities Accord must deliver improvements for staff and students: union
Union welcomes national action plan to stop uni sexual harassment and violence
Government must act on uni staff workplace health nightmare: union
Higher education staff winners in workplace law reform
Australian Catholic University admits to $3.6 million wage theft
Union takes QUT to court over dodgy fixed-term contracts
NTEU reveals rampant wage theft at Australian universities
NTEU welcomes FedUni’s Bachelor of Arts announcement
University agreement quashed by full bench
Union launches petition to save disabled academic’s job
UniSQ staff to walk off the job next Wednesday
Greens call for urgent action as NTEU survey reveals sexual harassment at unis getting worse
New survey reveals shocking rise in sexual harassment at universities
Monash to face the music on wage theft after appeal fails
University of Melbourne staff to strike for entire week campus-wide
Union welcomes latest university wage theft court case
Union slams fresh job cuts at Australian Catholic University
UQ Gatton Staff shocked at proposal to outsource cleaners’ jobs
Union set to deliver petition to save JCU jobs
University strikes to intensify across Victoria over pay and conditions
University of Southern Queensland launches attack on staff conditions
James Cook University staff to rally against job cuts ‘we can’t afford’
Swinburne NTEU members join rising tide of Victorian university strike action