Latest overdose News

RACGP: New Vaping Rules Will Save Children’s Lungs
NSW latest public health warning: severe opioid overdoses related to Nitazene use
Public health warning: severe opioid overdoses in Penrith area
NSW latest public Health Warning: Severe Opioid Overdoses in Penrith Area
RACGP applauds Queensland pill testing announcement
RACGP urges Victorian pill testing trial
Coronial recommendations for pill testing increase pressure on new Premier
Tragic overdose death could have been prevented had pill testing been implemented
NSW latest public health warning: Opiod overdose after using drugs people believed to be cocaine or methanamphetamine
WA Couple Charged Over Internal Heroin Import
Joint push for pill testing in Victoria gains steam as Parliament returns
Greens issue warning to new Premier regarding potentially lethal ‘Red Bull’ pills detected interstate
NSW new public health warning: tablets sold as MDMA (Ecstasy) found to contain a potent opioid
Drug trafficker forced to Lego of toy collection
Pill testing helps prevent festival deaths, yet new Premier refuses to listen
Labor playing Russian roulette with young Victorian lives by refusing to adopt pill testing
Premier Allan’s comments on pill testing ‘cowardly’, and a kick in the guts to young Victorians
Rave overdoses build urgent case for pill testing in Victoria
Critical incident declared after a suspected overdose – Blacktown
Like kids in candy store
Opium imports into Australia on rise
Pill testing could be reality in Victoria by summer 2024, under historic joint bill
Labor must take up offer for free pill testing trial in Victoria this summer
Warning: Tramadol added to 2024 prohibited List
Labor must stop ignoring experts on pill testing and help save young Victorian lives
Life Saving Drugs Register tracks critical patient treatments
Problem drinking linked to alcohol on social media
Up to 3,000 lives saved in first year of Take-Home Naloxone program
Overdose report shows more needs to be done
“I can now afford to get my kids school shoes”: Why opioid dependence medicine affordability changes are so important
What is medical cannabis?
RACGP backs expert calls for drug testing
WHO launches a single-source repository on drug dependence information
More Than 80% of People Who Inject Drugs Test Positive for Fentanyl-But Only 18% Intend to Take It
75% Australian women impacted by headaches – with stress the biggest trigger
New data shows headaches hit 79% of Australian households hard and costs the Australian economy over $35.7B annually
NSW latest public Drug Warning: Potent opioid (isotonitazene) found in drugs in yellow powder form
TGA makes final decision to reduce paracetamol pack sizes
Greens push to improve government bill so more safe injecting rooms can be set up where they’re needed
Police charge man after drug and cash seizure – Delahey
Burnet supports decision to make Richmond’s supervised injecting facility permanent
Talking therapy trial for adults at risk of self-harm launches
Man dies and six charged with drug supply following Transmission Music Festival
Police charge man after drug and cash seizures
Reducing the overdose rate for people who inject drugs after they’re released from prison
TGA makes interim decision to reduce maximum paracetamol pack sizes
Police charge woman after drug importation
Irish national charged for internally concealing cocaine