Latest placenta News

Mothers Intuition Saved Lauras Life
Navel gazing: checking your belly button can tell you a lot about your health
Baby Brooklyn Bounces Back After Stroke In Utero
‘Little battler’ Xavier makes Mother’s Day extra special
‘Surprise’ Twins Are Mum’s Little Miracles
Study identifies how appropriate management of blood glucose in maternal diabetes differentially impacts oocytes and placenta
Fetal Growth Restriction damages the heart and lungs via the brainstem
How does your diet before and during pregnancy affect your child?
Covid vaccine for pregnant women safe for newborn infants
Health Minister delivers $1.5m baby bonus for Mater
Improving outcomes for vulnerable infants through education and research 
Curious Kids: why do babies cry when they come out of their mum?
Milking benefits – umbilical cord clamping done safely
Mater midwife’s life-saving gift to thousands of mothers
Mums-to-be can’t get enough of Mater’s new pint-sized volunteer
Surgery in womb saves tiny twin’s life
Review considers when is best to administer antenatal corticosteroids
Preventing brain damage in preterm babies