Latest prisoners News | Page 13

COVID-19: Release non-violent prisoners in WA to avoid health catastrophe in prisons
Officer at Wolston Correctional Centre tests positive for COVID-19
Greens WA call for reduction in prison population to reduce spread of coronavirus
NT Correctional Services suspending social visits for prisoners
Pandemic: Visits to Queensland prisons cease
Personal prison visits temporarily suspended
Limited release of prisoners may prevent COVID-19 break out
Release non-violent prisoners to avoid catastrophe of COVID-19 outbreak in prison, says ALA
Personal visits to adult prisons suspended Australia-wide
Officer assaulted at Lotus Glen Correctional Centre
Liberals abandon inmates in addiction battle
Principal consultant appointed to new prison
Wrongfully convicted death-row inmate shares story at Penn State Fayette
Huge milestone for new Southern Queensland prison
Commissioner’s International Women’s Day Awards for outstanding service announced at Queensland public safety event
Correctional Counsellor suspended
Contraband stash at Palen Creek Correctional Centre
Longlist announced for prestigious Tasmanian book prize
Attempted escape, Capricornia Correctional Centre
All South Australians successfully transition to smoke free
Yet another Corrections failure under Davis
Elise Archer can’t ignore Risdon risk
National will oppose prisoners getting vote
Hunger strike new way to get early release
Officers assaulted at Borallon Training and Correctional Centre
Queensland Corrective Services officer suspended
Proposed mandatory infectious diseases testing of prisoners who assault officers
Interim report of victim research project submitted to Bavarian Parliament
Officer assaulted at Lotus Glen Correctional Centre
Police arrest woman for drug trafficking, South Australia
Minister pays tribute to journalist, author and broadcaster, Gordon McLauchlan
Melaleuca female prison to be returned to public hands
Community safety lifts with graduation of Central Queensland officers
International Human Rights Day – a focus on decision making
Community safety lifts with graduation of North Queensland officers
Prisoner numbers remain stable in 2019
National proposes work or training for all prisoners
Government putting criminals before victims
They’re prisoners, not clients Kelvin
Employment programme places 2,800 offenders into work
Custodial corrections officer suspended, Borallon
Government action needed following damning Custodial Inspections
Queensland Corrective Services officer suspended, Wolston Correctional Centre
Desperate Hodgman threatens bipartisanship on family violence
Cuts and more prison escapes to come under Hodgman
Another criminal on loose on Liberals’ watch
Work begins on Southern Remand Centre
Prison concerns addressed with Corrections Minister