Latest professor News | Page 423

Royal Commission into Aged Care – nurses are valuable to aged care workforce
Queensland Greats Awards fitting recognition for outstanding women
Last chance to nominate a Queensland Great!
Building better robots that can get a grip
‘There’s no reason not to trial pill testing’: UNSW drug policy scholar stands firm on the evidence
Community Factors Contribute to Rural Health
Pilot plant to turn sugarcane waste into biofuel and beer bottles
UQ physicist announced as L’Oréal-UNESCO International Rising Talent
Treating insomnia improves back pain
Queensland road trip set to test Artificial Intelligence on real Aussie roads
Supporting expression of sexuality one area of $1 million of dementia research grants
UNSW Sydney’s Bookshop enters a new era
Gender and cultural bias exists against teachers at university level
Microsoft AI for Earth win boosts green infrastructure carbon research
Careful using that f-word to describe dingoes
The grass is greener only when the rain falls in spring
Lighting the way to awareness
Environmental law from the ground up
Long periods of undisturbed sleep a risk factor for stillbirth
Western Civilisation degree details revealed
Monash scientists discover key to predicting fitness of birds
Public lecture on fight to save turtles
Longest-ever eDNA study offers important insights into ocean health
Showcase to highlight Africa research
Illumina partnership to drive genomics innovation in Australia
Curtin Central Bus Station complete
The heat is on: keeping the vulnerable safe during heatwaves
Ornithological projects at UNE highlighted in ‘Courier’ article
Humble vitamin C tablet key to Deakin diabetes breakthrough
‘Coolbit’ aims for personalised comfort advice in specific environments
Griffith grad Kate Miller-Heidke to represent Australia at Eurovision
‘Coolbit’ aims for personalised comfort advice as effects of climate change deepen
Global partnership announced
New Pro Vice-Chancellor appointed
Future insecurity: exploring malicious uses of digital networks
Institute for Musculoskeletal Health launches in Sydney
International Study Examines Genetic & Vascular Risk Factors for Brain Infarcts
Book gives new insight into the state of Iran
Nolan mural finds new home at ANU
UNSW world-leading road safety expert awarded international honour
Research finds after-work hobbies key to proactivity in the workplace
Climate change may destroy tiger’s home
Leaves are sophisticated environmental sensors
‘Taxing into the Future’
Ewe beauty! Making lamb even better
FoodLab Sydney launch: first food business incubator uses Detroit model
Getting a sweet return on mangoes
Study exposes failings over transplant organs from executed Chinese prisoners