Latest psychiatry News | Page 2

Baylor College of Medicine names new board members
Report examines alternatives to the use of restrictive practices
Transcranial magnetic stimulation can treat depression. Developing research suggests it could also help autism, ADHD and OCD
Historic Launch of the Unified International Scientific Center Initiative to Address Climate Impact on Earth
Depression on rise among country football players
Excessive heat and its impact on mental health
Ramsay Mental Health launches national psychiatry education program
Training next generation of doctors in NSW
What is ‘sundowning’ and why does it happen to many people with dementia?
Do we think about anxiety and depression differently now?
Cultural tensions during Machinery of Government restructures: study
Improving access to psychiatry
Easing anxiety in large crowds
Should your child detox from their phone this summer?
Study starts to unravel stigma around ME
Researchers discover positive effects of intravenous ketamine for treatment-resistant depression
Why do young children sometimes steal? And what should parents do about it?
Suicide link to climate change unfounded
Good sleep is key to pre-teen mental health
To stan or not to stan: When fan culture turns toxic
Four different autism subtypes identified in brain study
Logo and its history
Don’t let food allergies spoil your child’s fun
Researchers aim to offer accessible mental health services to children
Finding new drugs for depression in bipolar disorder
When gambling becomes addiction
Regional ECT, lithium, and clozapine use linked to lower suicide rates in male adolescents
Emyria partners with specialist trauma psychiatric service to advance MDMA-assisted therapy
Accepting anxiety for peace of mind
Premium rise ‘considered’ but must deliver benefits for Australians
Researchers reveal worrying rise in antipsychotic prescriptions for children and young people
Limit travel anxiety this holiday season
Tyranny of distance impacts mental health in bush
Patients with treatment resistant depression at higher risk of death
Minimize adolescent stress during exams
Internet treatment for anger works
Mother’s mental health impacts children’s school grades: study
Australian-first psychiatry training program to live, train and practice in regions
10 minutes of aerobic exercise with exposure therapy reduces PTSD symptoms: study
More mental health support for more Victorians
Women’s and Children’s Precinct now open
Queensland Government to fund new perinatal mental healthcare centre
Changing treatment can help MS patients: study
Reduced-nicotine cigarettes result in less smoking in anxious, depressed smokers
‘A silent killer’ – Covid shown to trigger inflammation in brain
Autistic women have increased risk of mental illness
Improving mental health services in regional Australia
Global mental health summit