Latest Public Service Association News | Page 3

Telehealth workers at Whakarongorau Aotearoa to rally for fair pay and respect
Public service workers must help identify savings in Government’s new cost cutting drive
Irresponsible ACT policy threatens independent public service
PSA condemns ACT leader’s comment on Ministry for Pacific Peoples
Allied health workers to rally tonight across Aotearoa for ‘Hour of Power’ calling for urgent action on pay equity
Public Service Association tells inquiry: government’s reliance on consultants has eroded NSW
Commitment to pay transparency a long overdue step in the right direction
Care and support workers’ pay equity- race against clock
Cost of slashing public service
Rewarding capability in te reo Māori
Tararua District Council workers strike for fair pay and conditions
Biggest pay increase in 20 years
Urgent progress needed to ensure a sustained improvement in workplace culture at Parliament
80,000 NSW public sector employees agree to NSW Government pay offer
Nurse Maude home care and support workers rally for fair pay and better working conditions
PSA welcomes 365-day plan to support healthcare workers as a start to solve workforce issues
Government makes historic pay equity offer for nurses
Library and council workers rally for better wages and working conditions
New roles to make a difference in Albury schools
New roles to make a difference in Port Stephens schools
New roles to make a difference in Lithgow area schools
New roles to make a difference in Orange schools
We welcome focus on future of local government
Big pay rise for community-based social workers after winning pay equity extension
Brown’s budget proposal holds public services hostage
Te Whatu Ora listens to PSA and enters further consultation on big health restructure
Community Corrections workers ratify new Collective Agreement
Disabled workers celebrate end of minimum wage discrimination
Auckland Council’s staffing cuts will put the squeeze on vital services and workers
A positive Budget for the public service and public service workers – PSA
400 new ‘Admin Angels’ means teachers can concentrate on kids
More admin staff to lighten teacher workload in hundreds of NSW public schools
Unions celebrate win in maintaining additional sick leave for community-based support workers at Access Community Health
PSA library workers celebrate deal to support longer hours at new Marlborough Library
Rotorua ratepayers not being told all the facts about proposed cuts to services and jobs
Greater investment in home support workers essential to implement winter health plan
The public, staff, and PSA agree: Auckland Council’s service cuts spell disaster
1900 Community Corrections staff continue strike action today
PSA urges Auckland Transport to hit the brakes over planned job cuts for 150
‘National fails to understand importance of the government communicating’
Unions support changed water infrastructure reforms
Corrections staff vote to walk off the job after nine months of bargaining
Privatisation of POLAIR threatens community safety
Community Corrections workers deserve more says PSA
Stop attacking public service workers at a time of crisis Mr Luxon
Early engagement with unions critical for health restructuring to succeed
Nelson disability support workers to strike after employer refuses to budge on pay
PSA pays tribute to Chester Borrows