Latest quantum computer News

New research to make digital transactions quantum safe and twenty times faster
Labor’s budget surplus betrays renters, mortgage holders and students while keeping a future for coal and gas
Sydney a logical choice for $10 million grant to suppress quantum errors
Quantum breakthrough: World’s purest silicon brings scientists one step closer to scaling up quantum computers
Jobs in quantum heat up, with scholarships on offer
Investment in the future of Australia: a step in the right direction
Australia just made a billion-dollar bet on building the world’s first ‘useful’ quantum computer in Brisbane. Will it pay off?
Delivering a Future Made in Australia with 400 new technology jobs in Brisbane
Mind-bending maths could stop quantum hackers, but few understand it
HP Launches its Largest Portfolio of AI PCs in Australia
Progress in Quantum Physics: Researchers Tame Superconductors
Discovery of a Hidden Quantum Critical Point in Two-Dimensional Superconductors Thermoelectric Effect Reveals Full Picture of Fluctuations in Superconductivity
Quantum computing just got hotter: 1 degree above absolute zero
How long before quantum computers can benefit society? That’s Google’s US$5 million question
Parity Anomaly Demonstrated In Topological Insulator
Are private conversations truly private? A cybersecurity expert explains how end-to-end encryption protects you
A promising leap towards computers with light-speed capabilities
Four real : quantum computing engineers perform multiple control methods in just one atom
Fiona Pak-Poy appointed as Director of Silicon Quantum Computing Board
Australia may spend hundreds of millions of dollars on quantum computing research. Are we chasing a mirage?
Let there be light
Quantum batteries break causality
Researchers Develop Spintronic Probabilistic Computers Compatible with Current AI
Grants to build Australia’s Quantum pipeline
Quantum tech for health: Sydney team wins Wellcome Leap contract
Sydney researchers win NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science and Engineering
The new frontier in online security: quantum-safe cryptography
UNSW tops ARC grants for Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities
2023 Suematsu Award 2023 Suematsu Award “Fundamentals and Developments of Innovative Value Creation” Winners Announced
Researchers Demonstrate High-speed Electrical Readout Method for Graphene Nanodevices
Quantum computers in 2023: how they work, what they do, and where they’re heading
Professor Michelle Simmons explores The Atomic Revolution in her first Boyer Lecture
Fellow’s ‘extraordinary journey’ leads to PM’s Science Prize
UNSW tops spinout company rankings for second consecutive year
Exploring Parameter Shift for Quantum Fisher Information
Optimizing Continuous-Variable Functions with Quantum Annealing
Powerful X-ray laser ushers in new era of science
How are diamonds grown in lab?
Training Quantum Computers: Physicists Win IBM Award
Promising quantum state found during error correction research
Scientists use quantum device to slow chemical process by factor of 100bn
UNSW early career researchers awarded more than $6m in funding
Using quantum computing to protect AI from attack
CIPHER-CORE, INC., Introduced in Bangladesh
UNE researcher awarded major grant to tackle cybercrime
Breakthrough identifies new state of topological quantum matter
Supporting eggcellence in cooperative research
Researchers make a quantum computing leap with a magnetic twist