Latest recidivism News

Victoria Police statement in relation to Crime Statistics Agency data release – twelve months to end of March 2024
New national criminal database will build evidence on violent perpetrator reoffenders
Taskforce Saturate charged three people with multiple offences
Law and Justice in the hands of Barunga and Wugularr communities
$227 Million To Expand SA Prisons
Opinion piece: The empirical evidence route to policy design
Positive practices but serious concerns regarding detention of marginalized groups persist, say UN experts: Canada
Youth Arrested On Warrant For Serious Offending
Bill expanding drug treatment orders to offenders with alcohol dependence tabled in Parliament
ACT justice reinvestment supports progress towards recidivism target
Boost To Redcliffe PCYC Through New Grant
Prison Program Kicking Goals To Reduce Reoffending
Improved Corrections System
Major Health Interventions Expanded To People On Remand
Do parolees really ‘walk free’? Busting common myths about parole
Gunnedah Shire residents urged to share crime experiences and ideas
Justice Housing Program found to reduce homelessness and reoffending factors
Victoria Police statement in relation to Crime Statistics Agency data release – twelve months to end of December 2023
Police charge adult and youths over New Norfolk trail bike offences
UN torture expert urges prison modernisation for social rehabilitation and resilience to environmental threats and pandemics
Changes to NZ’s parole laws to improve rehabilitation could lead to even longer prison times
Construction starts on youth detention facility at Woodford
Visiting relatives in prison study
Visiting relative in prison made difficult by poor, inconsistent information, study finds
New Norfolk policing activities charge 25 people with over 40 offences
Tasmanian recipient of the Australian Corrections Medal for 2024 Announced
Criminal ringleaders face serious jail time as reform is proposed for at risk youth
Evaluation highlights benefits of culturally appropriate reporting site
Townsville’s intensive case managers making difference
Police lay charges – Property offending in Alice Springs
Rockliff Liberal Government expands access to drug and alcohol services that help halt criminal offending
Victoria Police-led Operation Capesso is recognised for its efforts in reducing crime among Melbourne’s most serious violent offenders
Weave’s Creating Futures Justice Program is recognised for its support of First Nations people as they transition out of the criminal justice system
The South Australian Home Detention Program is recognised for their effectiveness in reducing recidivism among offenders on home detention
Pre-court diversion a fair start but questions remain
Mobile polling stations give eligible prisoners chance to vote in person
Taskforce Saturate – 73 people charged in 25 days with 342 offences
Expanding access to drug and alcohol support services in Tasmania
ACT Government to expand drug and alcohol treatment order eligibility
New initiative to break the cycle of recidivism in Aboriginal youth
Setting strong foundations for Community Corrections
More Funding To Prevent Youth Crime In Shepparton
Flawed algorithm at heart of Robodebt
Mental health programs giving offenders second chance
Low security and its role in community safety
Abuse and neglect put kids on fast track to crime
Reducing recidivism through community courts