Latest regenerative medicine News

Visit to the United States to showcase a Future Made in Australia
Cell & Gene Catalyst champions industry at BioKorea 2024
Cartilage healing discovery in animal models could lead to new human therapies: study
Tissue And Motion Conference 2024
Cells Putting On Face
Connecting Dots To Shape Growth Forces
Wound healing is a billion dollar drain on the health system – this discovery hopes to plug it
Orthocell completes all nerve repair surgeries in Remplir US market authorisation study
Mesoblast says US FDA feedback indicates support for accelerated approval pathway
Immune cells can adapt to invading pathogens, deciding whether to fight now or prepare for the next battle
Genomic study sheds light on immune microenvironment in transplanted pediatric hearts
Cow has potential as therapeutic research model
Small RNAs help skin wounds heal faster with minimal scarring, find scientists
Australia Day honour for researchers
Australia Day honour for researcher
ISU researchers discover crucial step in creating blood stem cells
Boost for life-changing medical research
Weill Cornell Medicine to open medical research center
Stem Cell Therapy Developed in Korea Begins Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease Patients Worldwide in Japan
Sharks’ cancer secret also puts them at risk: study
Genomic Stability: Double-Edged Sword for Sharks
Victoria backing Australia’s first stem cell trial for rare genetic disorder
Nation-First Stem Cell Trial Offers Hope To Young Australians
Director appointed to Australia’s Cell and Gene Catalyst
Chance discovery shows promise in finding treatment for genetic disorder
A ‘memory wipe’ for stem cells may be the key to better therapies
Tall Poppy working on a smart solution to heal wounds and prevent scars
Skin deep: world first drug gives hope to Australia’s ‘butterfly children’
AusBiotech launches National Cell and Gene Manufacturing Blueprint
Industry-led cell and gene manufacturing strategy to develop Australia as APAC hub launched
Cynata Therapeutics announces CEO succession and board changes
CUREator funds Hudson Institute biotech innovation
New report calls on national cell and gene therapy plan
Innovation at Work: By Numbers
Construction Begins On New Centre For Medical Discovery
Australian Cell and Gene Catalyst takes step forward
AusBiotech develops report to boost cell and gene manufacturing
Biotech partnership to develop new therapies
Inhalable ‘SHIELD’ Protects Lungs Against Covid, Flu Viruses
Drug discovery may boost liver transplant success
Scientists Create Conditions for Stem Cell Growth Similar to Human Embryos
Scientists use materials to make stem cells behave like human embryos
Monash receives $41m in NHMRC Ideas Grants 14 December
New findings on how to avert excessive weight loss from Covid
Scientists manufacture ‘living blood vessel’
Corrupt endothelial cells protect blood cancer cells from chemotherapy
QUT researchers honoured by Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
World wide web: global spider silk database boon for biomaterials