Latest reproduction News | Page 3

Fire in northern Australia’s tropical savanna is a threat to endangered fairy-wrens
Scientists show how fires along waterways in Australia’s tropical savanna threaten endangered birds
Nematode from ice age
TGA Product Information safety updates 24 July
Unraveling the Molecular Basis of Dmc1 Filament Assembly in Homologous Recombination
Five-year partnership builds foundations of sustainable cattle production
Food size matters
More diet advice evidence needed for those hoping to get pregnant: study
Vigilance needed to keep clip clean
WHO addresses violence against women as a gender equality and health priority
Small ocean critters use their poo to help seaweeds have sex
Wreckage of WWII bomber off PNG coast revealed in 3D on anniversary
Fingerprinting metabolism across Animal Kingdom
Key dates for livestock advisors to upskill and connect
Fire regimes can change genetic patterns of animal species, study finds
Guide to our new Local Law
The world’s fish are shrinking as the climate warms. We’re trying to figure out why
Explore our Climate Action Grants
NZ police acknowledge sentencing in MegaUpload case
Improved sheep insemination a potential breakthrough for industry
Vaping: results are in
Size over reproduction: a winning strategy for Polar Fish
Sharks leave their marks
Tokyo Tech and HPE collaborate to build the next generation TSUBAME4.0 supercomputer for artificial intelligence, scientific research, and innovation
How funnel-webs practise safe sex
Pollinators are attracted to humidity, not just scent
Next steps to help Western Australians start and build their families
Nexus Scholars Program expands research opportunities
New method to thaw frozen frog sperm produces better swimmers
Supplementary feeding strategies for improved lamb survival
Important safety information for Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors
Lifesaving solution dramatically reduces severe bleeding after childbirth
Underwater phenomena bringing relief to hot corals
Loops in our DNA
Accuracy of innovations in diverse settings: A multi-country study assessing a smartphone blood pressure application
R&D update into simple OFFM and follicle density
Sex and the single gene: new research shows a genetic ‘master switch’ determines sex in most animals
Response to Woodside CEO Meg O’Neill’s admission of historic rock art removal at Murujuga
Why don’t larger dogs live as long as smaller breeds?
Building demand for wool in sports and outdoor
Widespread availability of contraception and abortion a public health success story
1 in 6 people globally affected by infertility: WHO
Degree of Asexual Reproduction in Liverwort Plants is Hormonally Controlled
Rare video of wombats having sex sideways offers glimpse into bizarre realm of animal reproduction
Future-proofing Australian wool
Happy as a clam: the UniSC research stopping stress in oysters, that could end up in human hospitals
Calling all citizen scientists: hunt for shark egg cases launches in Australia
Check for pholcodine use before general anaesthesia