Latest RSPCA South Australia News | Page 3

Shattered wings, legs & beaks – duck shoot begins
Cook Building to construct RSPCA SA’s new home
“Happy tears” as Bond finds a home after 406 days
Out of room – RSPCA SA forced to close gate
Woman to face court in relation to the ill-treatment of more than 60 animals
Fospice cat Caesar’s second chance at love
Your questions answered: Guinea pig edition
Appointment of new CEO for RSPCA SA
Are your cats fighting or playing? Scientists analysed cat videos to figure out the difference
Why do cats and dogs get the zoomies?
Delicate operation to retrieve cat trapped inside commercial tank
After rescuing cat, we’re on steep learning curve
Woman faces court after four animals found in squalid conditions
Flooded habitats another reason not to shoot ducks
Drainpipe adventure turned harrowing rescue operation
RSPCA plea – stop treating live animals like garbage
Man faces court after dog found caught in steel jaw trap
Adopter Leanne shares how she keeps Teddi happy at home
All I want for Christmas is loving new home
Over 30C and people still leaving dogs in cars
Cat adoption pop-ups before new Op shops open
Man faces court after allowing his dog and eight puppies to starve
Snow husky fronts RSPCA’s Christmas appeal
From primates to pups: story of RSPCA South Australia’s new Chief Veterinarian
Bandit rescue cat is more of dog person
Six gift ideas for your animal-loving friend this Christmas
Woman jailed after allowing dog to starve to near-death in her backyard
RSPCA SA celebrates securing top vet to lead team
Why our Animal Care Campus will be downsizing it’s onsite acomodation
Sundae needed wheelchair and new home, and luckily for him RSPCA SA was ready to help
Couple faces charges for allegedly keeping puppies in squalid toilet block
Dog adoption handbook: Building Happy routines
Do hypoallergenic cats even exist?
Rid SA of steel-jaw traps – echidna latest victim
RSPCA seeks public help after caged cat is left at night outside Salvos at Salisbury
Dog emaciated and tethered to bed – one of many cases of ill-treatment of animals before courts
When Marlo got stuck in tree, RSPCA SA and MFS Firefighters raced to rescue scared kitten
Double your donation for animals like Sundae
What to do if you find stray cat
RSPCA SA’s newest ambassador Hanni ready to run
Dog Adoption Handbook: Understanding stress
Fifty dogs need homes – help clear kennels
Mum who had just had puppies forced to trek 33 kilometres + this months court cases
After being abandoned, Campbell’s future was uncertain
Why we are building native wildlife hospital
Dog Adoption Handbook: Making Introductions
Poor living conditions main reason for cruelty reports, with more animals living in squalor
Captain Chelsea champion for animals in need