Latest Scientific Reports News

Mothers Live Longer As Child Mortality Declines
‘Noise’ in the machine: Human differences in judgment lead to problems for AI
Significant Progress On Breakthrough Cancer Therapy
Could sharing a bedroom with your pets be keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep?
Finland is the happiest country in the world – but our research suggests the rankings are wealth and status-oriented
Drug-resistant TB responds rapidly to bedaquiline-based therapy
Biomolecules From Formaldehyde On Ancient Mars
Building a DNA nanoparticle to be both carrier and medicine
How to elicit authentic ‘yes’
Aging Mouse Sperm Affects MicroRNA, Increasing the Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
CSIRO tools used to discover two new genetic variants for Alzheimer’s disease
Dig This: ‘Neglected’ Dinosaur Had Super Senses
New Model Adds Human Reactions to Flood Risk Assessment
Preventing Airborne Infection without Impeding Communication with Ions and Electric Field
Founder personality could predict start-up success: study
Rare High Country snowpatch ecosystem threatened
Six big health benefits of birdwatching
Cornell fills data gap for volcanic ash effects on Earth systems
Metal-loving microbes savor green way to refine rare earth
Dense Measurement Network Links Air Pollution and Common Agricultural Practice
Mater Researchers discover new link to pancreatic hormone in Type 1 diabetes
Cars, chlamydia and canines are biggest koala killers
What would an ancient Egyptian corpse have smelled like? Pine, balsam and bitumen – if you were nobility
‘Introspective’ AI Finds Diversity Improves Performance
Deep dive into microbial life of sharks
Monitoring wind, gas density and temperatures together can better predict mine disasters
Cities no place for eagles but smaller raptors adapt
Climate change may cause disruptions to solar generation in the future, modelling suggests
Constipation associated with events like stroke
What helps Stephanie may not help Stefan
Quick look inside human being
Investigating the Intricacies of Auxin Signaling Mechanisms in Algae
Global data study on COVID-19 to help fight future pandemics
Chicken feed made of food waste could slash costs and emissi
Research shows giraffes can use statistical reasoning. They’re the first animal with a relatively small brain known to do this
Study shows humans around world like to help
ARC Microrecycling Research Hub
Study uncovers social cost of using AI in conversations
Pachyderm perfume: How African elephants use odour to communicate
When it come to science scepticism, there’s no one-size-fits-all
Poor sleep can impact brain health: ANU study
Humans are altering the diet of Tasmanian devils, which may accelerate their decline
Study Reveals that Soft Gums are More Prone to Inflammation
People in urban areas have worse hay fever symptoms, analysis suggests
Radioactive waste isn’t going away. We’ve found a new way to trap it in minerals for long-term storage
New discovery to bulk up gluten-free fibre supplement
Spanish lagoon proposed as Mars ‘astrobiological time-analog’
DNA tracking of fake medicine