Latest Security Council News | Page 4

Security Council Committee concerning Libya Grants Humanitarian Travel Exemption, Valid for Six Months, to Two Listed Individuals
Security Council: Syria 29 November
Further humanitarian support for Gaza, the West Bank and Israel
In Egypt, UN Women Executive Director reiterates calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and ensuring humanitarian access and assistance for women and…
HMAS Toowoomba supports sanctions on North Korea
Bureau of General Assembly Palestinian Rights Committee Welcomes Security Council Resolution 2712 (2023) Demanding Compliance with International Law in Gaza
Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 2653 (2022) Concerning Haiti Convenes Briefing to Member States in Connection with Panel of Experts Report
Security Council 2140 Committee Considers Final Report of Panel of Experts, Receives Briefing by Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2707 (2023), Security Council Renews Panel of Experts, Sanctions on Yemen
Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2708 (2023), Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei
Gender workers bring their passion to pages
Public statement by Chair of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict
Australian Judge re-elected to the International Court of Justice
Security Council Sanctions Committee concerning Sudan Receives Briefing on Behalf of Emergency Relief Coordinator in Pursuance of Resolution 2664 (2022) 
Security Council Elects Five Judges to International Court of Justice after Five Rounds of Voting
Security Council Briefed on Work of 2140 Sanctions Committee concerning Yemen
A focus on gender, peace and security
Security Council 2127 Committee Receives Briefing on Behalf of Emergency Relief Coordinator in Pursuance of Resolution 2664 (2022)
Security Council: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Australian women leaders say escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza highlights international community’s failure to address the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls
Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning South Sudan Receives Briefing on Behalf of Emergency Relief Coordinator in Pursuance of Resolution 2664 (2022)
Security Council Extends UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara by One Year, with Two Members Abstaining on Resolution
Heralding Progress towards Peace in Colombia, Security Council Extends Mandate of Verification Mission, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2704 (2023)
Security Council 1533 Committee Receives Briefing on Behalf of Emergency Relief Coordinator in Pursuance of Resolution 2664 (2022)
Security Council Extends United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Mandate until 31 October 2024, Adopting Resolution 2702 (2023)
United States-Australia Joint Leaders’ Statement – Building an innovation alliance
Starvation as weapon of war being used against Gaza civilians
Secretary-General Tells Security Council Open Debate ‘Standing with Women Is Good for the World’, Stresses Patriarchy ‘a Massive Obstacle’ to Culture of Peace
Security Council 1533 Sanctions Committee Adds Two Entries to Its Sanctions List
Security Council: Women and Peace and Security
Women’s participation in international peace and security: From theory to practice
Women are increasingly at-risk in conflict and underrepresented in peace processes, according to a UN report
New Zealand calls for humanitarian pause in Gaza
‘Even War Has Rules’, Secretary-General Tells Security Council, Demanding All Parties in Middle East Uphold International Humanitarian Law, Unrestricted Aid for Gaza
Security Council 2653 Sanctions Committee Amends One Entry on Its Sanctions List
Open Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel to Prevent a Humanitarian Catastrophe and Further Loss of Innocent Lives
Save Children calls for ceasefire in Gaza as casualties soar and water runs out
Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning South Sudan Meets Special Representative of Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict
Security Council 2127 Committee Meets Special Representative of Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict
Security Council 1533 Committee Meets Special Representative of Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict
Security Council Press Statement on Colombia
Chair of Somalia Sanctions Committee Briefs Security Council on Meetings concerning Humanitarian Assistance, Weapons Management, Charcoal Ban
Security Council’s 1970 Committee Approves Delisting of One Individual from Travel-Ban Measure
Security Council, in Presidential Statement on Democratic Republic of Congo, Signals Readiness to Decide ‘Orderly’ MONUSCO Withdrawal by End of 2023
Security Council 751 Committee Briefed by Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Security Council 751 Committee Considers Final Report of Its Panel of Experts
Volker Perthes of Germany Appointed Head, Independent Strategic Review of United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq Mandated by Security Council Resolution 2682 (2023)
Constructive Dialogue, Protection of Ex-Combatants, Vulnerable Groups Crucial to Solidify Peace in Colombia, Special Representative Tells Security Council