Latest Security Council News | Page 8

Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning Haiti Discusses Interim Report of Panel of Experts
Security Council Extends Mandate of Expert Panel Overseeing Sanctions against Democratic People’s Republic of Korea until 30 April 2024
Eyes in the sky zero in on illicit activities
Security Council: Middle East 23 March
Captaining aircraft on Operation Argos
Security Council Committee on Libya Discusses Interim Report of Panel of Experts
Human Rights Council Hears that Attacks on Civilians in Syria Could Amount to War Crimes, and that it is Important to Coordinate…
Bringing Peace to Darfur Sole Purpose of 1591 Committee concerning Sudan, Chair Tells Security Council
Human Rights Council Hears Call to End Impunity and Achieve Accountability in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and that Many Violations…
Statement by Assistant Secretary-General Ilze Brands Kehris on the human rights situation in DPRK, delivered by James Turpin, Chief, Prevention & Sustaining Peace Section
Human Rights Council Discusses the Human Rights Implications of and Key Challenges in Universal Access to Coronavirus Disease Vaccines
Adopting Presidential Statement on Libya, Security Council Welcomes Progress Being Made with Constitutional Framework for Elections
Security Council Extends Mandate of Special Political Mission in Afghanistan, Requests Independent Assessment of In-Country Efforts, Adopting Two Texts
Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Mission in South Sudan, Adopting Resolution 2677 (2023) by 13 Votes in Favour, 2 Abstentions
Security Council: Yemen
Security Council 2140 Committee Considers Final Report of Panel of Experts
1st Australia-India Annual Summit
Security Council 1518 Sanctions Committee Removes Two Entries from Its Sanctions List
Human Rights Council Discusses Challenges Facing Human Rights Defenders Working on Albinism, and Women and Girls and the Right to a Clean,…
High Commissioner details severe violations amid shocking violence: Myanmar
Human Rights Council Discusses Situation of Human Rights in Sudan and in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
Security Council Committee Concerning Al-Shabaab Meets with Panel of Experts
Military’s ‘four cuts’ doctrine drives perpetual human rights crisis in Myanmar, says UN report
Human Rights Council Continues High-Level Segment, Hearing from the Prime Minister of Vanuatu and Dignitaries from 21 States
Press Conference by Security Council President on Programme of Work for March
Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning Democratic Republic of Congo Convenes Briefing to Member States in Connection with Group of Experts’ Midterm Report
Human Rights Council Hears from 16 Dignitaries as it Continues its High-Level Segment
In Dialogue with Egypt, Experts of the Human Rights Committee Commend Measures Combatting Discrimination, Raise Issues Concerning Treatment of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,…
Human Rights Council Hears from 28 Dignitaries as it Continues its High-Level Segment
Security Council Sanctions Committee concerning South Sudan Convenes Briefing to Member States in Connection with Interim Report of Panel of Experts
Human Rights Council Starts High-Level Segment, Hears from Presidents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Montenegro and Colombia
Human Rights Council Opens Fifty-Second Regular Session and Holds a Minute of Silence for the Victims of the Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria
Addressing Security Council One Year into Russian Federation’s Invasion of Ukraine, Secretary-General Urges Meaningful Action to End Bloodshed, Widespread Suffering
Statement on Ukraine by Sima Bahous, UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director 
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Commends Yemen’s Efforts in Education, Asks About Non-Payment of Government Salaries and Measures to Protect…
Security Council Sanctions Committee Concerning Haiti Meets with Permanent Representative of Haiti, Panel of Experts, UNODC
Security Council Press Statement on Attack against United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
Defence continues support to Operation Argos
Panel of Experts Briefs Security Council Central African Republic Sanctions Committee on Midterm Report Submitted Pursuant to Resolution 2648 (2022)
Security Council Renews Travel Ban, Assets Freeze on Specific Individuals, Entities Threatening Peace in Yemen, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2675 (2023)
Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Praise Norway’s Efforts to Close Gender Gaps in Employment and Education,…
Security Council: Iraq
Press Conference by Security Council President on Programme of Work for February
Myanmar: statement on two year anniversary of military coup
Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2674 (2023), Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
Two years after coup, Myanmar faces unimaginable regression, says UN Human Rights Chief
Security Council: Peacebuilding
Ukraine: One school destroyed every other day since September