Latest surveillance News | Page 4

Recommendations announced for influenza vaccine composition for the 2024-2025 northern hemisphere influenza season
International Pathogen Surveillance Network launches catalytic grant fund for pathogen genomics
Government boost to fight against caulerpa
Transforming Nursing Assessment In Acute Hospitals
Rat Caught On Ulva Island, Incursion Response In Place
Working with partners to control the skies
Study examines medical mystery of child hepatitis outbreak
$93 million for research into improved health for children, young people and the aged, medical devices, mental health and stem cell therapies
Hyris Technology Supports the Fight Against One of the World’s Deadliest Diseases, Malaria
Culturally safe support for Aboriginal families in Lithgow
The ultimate test of Defence survival skills
New regulations streamline pool safety requirements
General Atomics Expands International Collaborations and Partnerships With Japan in Critical and Emerging Technologies
Surveillance surveys give clearer picture of COVID’s spread
Zombie deer disease is spreading and scientists are concerned that it could jump to humans
Member States consider proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations with discussions on equity to continue
Combating Fractional Spurs in Phase Locked Loops to Improve Wireless System Performance in Beyond 5G
Stinky stowaways found lurking in NSW luggage
Police make arrest – Ram raid incident – Nightcliff
Forget Bondi… Become Broken Hill vet!
Council central to identification and eradication of orange hawkweed
Anthrax detected at second property in Shepparton
Updated WHO guidance for controlling vector-borne diseases through indoor residual spraying
WHO releases guidelines and tools to enhance small water supplies
Neighbourhood Watch launches security upgrade rebate to combat property crime
Battery embraces new littoral role
Family follows in Navy-dad’s footsteps
Reliant delivers fresh water to Pohnpei
Epidemiologist seconded to the World Health Organization will bring with her valuable insights into best practices back to KI
Successful patrol aboard ADV Reliant
Fine-Tuning of Investor Test Required to Protect Consumers
India gets “PRET” for future pandemics: a national consultation on developing the content framework for the National Pandemic Preparedness Plan for Respiratory Viruses
Diggers provide design input on Boxer
Title and details revealed for Archie Moore’s presentation at the 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Creative Australia reveals the title and first details of Archie Moore’s presentation at the 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Solving the supermarket: why Coles just hired US defence contractor Palantir
MV Bahijah Incident Highlights the Essential Role of Veterinarians. Peak Veterinary Body Calls For Action To Address Decline in Livestock Veterinarians
Preliminary report into fire surveillance aircraft accident near Cloncurry
CEA Technologies Board appointment
NSW Government’s Operation Victa stops fire ants at the border
UN expert alarmed by new emerging exploitative practices of online child sexual abuse
Virus ancestry could help predict next pandemic
UN expert calls for more sustained reforms to prevent threats and killings of journalists and activists: Philippines
Driver prosecuted after multiple instances of sustained loss of traction
Ready to fight fire in Kiribati
The breeding trap targeting Melbourne’s growing mozzie problem
SA’s first rapid response units to combat animal disease and protect supply chains unveiled