Latest sustainable population News

Coalition’s plan for 160,000 NOM a step in the right direction
A bucket full of shiny things won’t displace a barrel full of pain
2024 Federal budget must address housing affordability and protect the environment
Security Leaders’ Warnings Demand Proactive Response
SPA Welcomes New President And Patron
Public meeting will address Australia’s unsustainable population growth
Majority say Australia does not need more people: TAPRI survey
La Trobe Welcomes Three Giants Of Bird World
Access To Contraception Is Fundamental Right
Population growth rate figures even more shocking than last quarter
Growing global population placing increasing demand on water
Improving Women’s Fertility Choices
Population growth is unsustainable regardless of action to reduce impact
International Woman’s Day: Empowering women begins with reproductive rights
Reduce pressures on wildlife by stabilising human numbers
SPA mourns loss of Lowitja O’Donohue
27 million ‘milestone’ no cause for celebration
Premier Chris Minns fails his biggest test
Council acquires land with eye to future opportunities
Half a million net migration shows Government totally lost control
Too little too late: immigration tweaks will be far from sustainable
Immigration package is unsustainable and misleads the public
Human Rights Day: Protect human rights of women and children in areas of conflict
Lack of access to contraception is a form of violence against women
Population growth must end if people are to be fed: World Food Day 2023
On International Day of the Girl, “Let a girl be a girl”: SPA
Fisheries compliance operation underway for school holidays
A range of contraceptive options necessary for making informed decisions
Annual growth of well over half a million undemocratic and unacceptable
Human population growth an ongoing threat on Threatened Species Day
Intergenerational Report designed to quell public objection to population growth
Collaborative study reveals K’gari wongari genetically healthy
You can’t fix housing supply by escalating housing demand
Living on borrowed time: Earth Overshoot Day on 2 August means the rest of the year is in overshoot
Resolve survey strongly confirms that majority of Australians think immigration too high
World Population Day
Qualifications should be recognised before skilled visas are issued
Refugees dumped in favour of massive immigration intake
Australia’s population growth rate of nearly half a million ‘too high’
50th anniversary of World Environment Day and it’s been mainly downhill since
Australia-India Migration Agreement confirms Albanese’s ‘Excessively Big Australia’
Mass migration isn’t good for Australia, and it’s never “properly planned and well managed”
‘Build Back Biodiversity’ by ending population growth – World Biodiversity Day
Treasury is gaslighting Australian people on population
Only much lower migration will improve migration outcomes: SPA
Earth Day 2023: Invest in our planet by stabilising then reducing population numbers
Population surge driving housing crisis – new report
Widespread availability of contraception and abortion a public health success story