Latest teacher education News

Indigenous education and reading proficiency to benefit from ARC grants
New And Expanded Affiliated Schools Program
Secondary teachers moving to New Zealand fast tracked to residence
Good teaching is the key to getting the best from technology
New study finds there needs to be clearer career pathways to get First Nations teachers in schools
Nexus Between Shaping Nation, Leading Tomorrow
Successful teacher training schools could collapse without Commonwealth Support Places
Emotional ‘see you later’ to 40-year-old marae
Health program attracts students from across the NT
The case of a persistent bully: from victim to perpetrator
Health and education are closely linked – NZ needs to integrate them more in primary schools
New free entry test to assess aspiring teachers
The Australian names Monash University number one in research for 2024
Maths education vital for engaged and informed citizenry
Blueprint for change
New program taps local talent to ease teacher shortages in high-demand parts of NSW
Boost to early childhood education and care workforce
Joining fight for better autism inclusion in education
Study reveals: High teacher satisfaction with Initial Teacher Education programs in Australia
Unanimous Senate report calls for independent taskforce to hold universities to account on sexual violence
Secondary teacher education support welcome
La Trobe welcomes secondary teacher education support
Reversing declining school standards must be a critical priority
$3.4m for Deakin in 2024 ARC DECRA grant round
Senate’s school refusal report positive first step
Expansion of Nexus program to primary schools
Supporting our teachers to get best start
Major reform to improve teacher training and better prepare teachers for the classroom
Help available for the early childhood education and care workforce
Reading taught inconsistently in primary schools
TIDE Summit Transforming Indigenous Education in Practice
ACU scientists top international research rankings
Five Galiwinku educators graduate through RATE program
Embedding Indigenous perspectives in classroom
Laureate a win for ACUs new world-class Australian Centre for the Advancement of Literacy
Delivering sustainable early education and care sector
More support for teachers to manage classroom
Space to grow early childhood education
Smaller class sizes to improve teaching and learning outcomes
Pioneering physical education revival in Fiji
Release of Teacher Education Expert Panel discussion paper
Beginning teachers deliver same quality of teaching as experienced teachers
Early years summit: its time to re-imagine early years
Early education vital to safeguard children online
Major shake up to pathways into teaching for aspiring teachers
HELP debt cut by $35,000 for Australia’s most remote teachers
National Teacher Workforce Action Plan to focus on immediate and future teacher workforce needs