Latest United Australia Party News

Clive Palmer’s Australian Freedom Conference Speech
Canberra! Tucker Carlson Event Announced
Tucker Carlson’s Greatest Hits
Tucker Carlson With RFK Jr
It’s All About Control And It’s Happening Here Too
View from The Hill: Dunkley byelection a poor result for Peter Dutton’s pitch for the outer suburbs
Xi Van Fleet Talks To Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
President of Argentina, Javier Milei, at WEF
Albanese Government adopts Hitler and Stalin measures: Palmer
Palmer to sue former ASIC Chairman James Shipton
Victoria freed from tyranny. Dictator Dan sees writing on wall
McGowan’s opposition to Palmer projects now clear
Babet calls for ACT Chief Minister’s resignation
It’s OK to Vote NO
AEC wastes taxpayers’ funds chasing frivolous claims: Kelly
If you don’t know, VOTE NO
Albanese tramples journalists’ rights
Why is Mark McGowan above law?
Moira Deeming serves John Pesutto with defamation concerns notice
Col Douglas Macgregor speaks out on war in Ukraine
Be truthful Adam Bandt, you copied our work
Senator Babet calls for inquiry into historic execution of two Australian servicemen
Statues to immortalise first women in federal parliament
UAP calls for VEC investigation into ‘preference whisperer’
Greens call on Labor to preference Greens and progressive independents above Liberals
Victorian Upper House team revealed
United Australia Party registered for Victorian election
Senator Babet reaffirms commitment to party and members
Labor copies United Australia Party’s super policy
What’s climate got to do with electoral reform? More than you might think
Nominate now for Victorian State Election
WA government accused of ‘abusing’ entry applications
Ralph Babet elected to Senate in Victoria
An independent voice in senate is vital for south australia
Women could hold keys to election win
Will hung parliament cause ‘chaos and instability’?
China to control health of Australians: Palmer
How do donations fund election campaigns? Where does money come from?
Home loan interest rates under threat
Parents angry Queensland economic opportunities at threat as Nationals undermine net zero pledge
China makes land grab in Western Australia: Clive Palmer
Senate vote will be critical for sa
United Australia Party NOT preferencing Greens
United Australia Party outlines economic plan for freedom and prosperity
Freeze fuel excise: Palmer
Greens Leader in WA to share balance of power priorities
Kelly announces Shadow Minister for North Queensland