Latest University of Auckland News | Page 3

He Taumata Rau: University unveils new pou
Eliminating whakamā in learning te reo Māori
Machine learning can level the playing field against match fixing – helping regulators spot cheating
National’s foreign buyers tax has international law risks
Crowdfunding and vinyl sale gives bFM boost
How do pay cuts and layoffs affect morale and productivity?
Natural hazards, a warming climate and new resource laws – why NZ needs geoscientists more than ever
Arts and social change centre gets major boost
Entrepreneurship education should be on election agenda
Sustainability is often an afterthought in space exploration – that needs to change as the industry grows
From classroom to commerce: the future of blockchain and digital assets
Do languages become less complex with more new adult speakers? Research shows it’s not that simple
Evolution of complex grammars
Worst-off children are getting left behind
Vinyl frontier: bFM record sale for good cause
Creating ‘sponge cities’ to cope with more rainfall needn’t cost billions – but NZ has to start now
Incremental environmental change can be as hazardous as a sudden shock – managing these ‘slow-burning’ risks is vital
Meeting the long-term climate threat takes more than private investment – 10 ways NZ can be smart and strategic
Appointment of Judge of the High Court
Why do some politicians cling to power after electoral defeat?
New Zealand’s maritime territory is 15 times its landmass — here’s why we need a ministry for the ocean
New research into the health and wellbeing impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle awarded
Uncovering early Māori settlement on the Subantarctic Islands
Red Mole: keeping romance alive
Board appointments for Australian Renewable Energy Agency
K-pop and consumption of culture
Global temperature rises in steps — here’s why we can expect a steep climb this year and next
Entrepreneurial excellence awarded
Quasar ‘clocks’ show Universe running five times slower soon after Big Bang
Marama Davidson Speech – Home for Everyone
Kānuka tree products potential boon for Tairāwhiti
Powerhouse poet heading to Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Kānuka products potential boon for Māori landowners
Telling more Asian stories on screen
Vaping a gateway to smoking for non-smokers, research shows
Green hydrogen could be a game changer by displacing fossil fuels – we just need the price to come down
Demystifying entrepreneurial mindset
Indigenous knowledge is increasingly valued, but to fully respect it we need to decolonise science – here’s how
Government to increase the number of funded medical students from 2024
China’s e-currency explorations and future of trade
El Niño combined with global warming means big changes for New Zealand’s weather
Our oceans are in deep trouble – a ‘mountains to sea’ approach could make a real difference
Gagana Sāmoa: foundation for Sāmoan architecture
Urgent call for action to ensure responsible use of AI
Study results prompt call for medicinal cannabis policy evaluation
Developing new algorithms to manage biosecurity threats
Study explores smartwatch potential in healthcare
Embracing AI in world of finance