Latest University of Canberra News | Page 2

Government gives its special adviser on aid workers’ deaths a wide brief
Inquiry into supermarkets says make voluntary code of conduct mandatory but don’t bring in divestiture power
Grattan on Friday: Albanese has made a statement in choosing Sam Mostyn as governor-general, but he could have been bolder
Historic grant to improve intersex people’s health and wellbeing
We are ‘pro-business and pro-worker’: Albanese
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Andrew Leigh on competition – economic and political
Netanyahu promises Albanese a full investigation into Australian aid worker’s death, as Israel accepts responsibility
Businesswoman and women’s advocate Samantha Mostyn to be Australia’s next governor-general
Peter Dutton says Labor is pushing Australia ‘over an energy cliff’ as he talks up nuclear
Girls in Property program paves the way for the next generation of industry leaders
View from the Hill: Albanese hit by unexpected wave as he tries to clear the decks
‘Noisy’ autistic brains seem better at certain tasks. Here’s why neuroaffirmative research matters
Launch of the 2024 Child Social Exclusion Report, Parliament House, Canberra
Canberra Health Services launches inaugural clinical research report
Government rushing through bill to crack down on ‘uncooperative’ non-citizens it is trying to remove
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Kim Beazley on Kevin Rudd, being an ambassador, and a possible second Trump presidency
Communities Across Australia Encouraged to Keep Kickin’ It for Education Equality
Albanese government to Fair Work Commission: Don’t let real wages go backwards for the low paid
Grattan on Friday: Australian PMs did OK under Trump Mark 1. Could Albanese manage Trump Mark 2?
Attempts to access Kate Middleton’s medical records are no surprise. Such breaches are all too common
Multi-agency trauma exercise provides hands-on skills for medical students
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Cyber expert Lesley Seebeck on TikTok’s future in Australia
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi declines to front media after talks with Penny Wong
Saving Booroolong Frog – No Croaking Matter
We mean bees-ness! New varroa mite detection technology to be tested
New Appointments To Climate Change Authority
Grattan on Friday: Like Peter Dutton, John Gorton once had a nuclear plan. It didn’t end well
Jim Chalmers warns budget revenue upgrades will be modest but flags expected surplus
Politics with Michelle Grattan: Masculinity expert Michael Flood on boys and men behaving badly
Supporting future nurses, midwives and allied health workers
View from the Hill: Dutton sledges Bowen as today’s Rex Connor – but who remembers Rex?
Albanese and NT governments to spend $4 billion over a decade to tackle Indigenous housing
Government’s aged care report proposes older Australians pay more but eschews a levy
Hundreds of tariffs to go from July 1 in biggest unilateral tariff cut in decades
Meta’s lost revenue is a huge hit for public interest journalism, which was already reeling from cutbacks
Grattan on Friday: Treasurer Jim Chalmers prepares a new ‘growth’ script for his third budget
Community invited to ‘Discover City Hill’ this Canberra Day
Government to pay super on paid parental leave, benefitting 180,000 families a year
Politics with Michelle Grattan: John Blaxland on spies, AUKUS, and an unsettled Washington
Sam Kerr’s racially aggravated harassment charge puts Football Australia in a tricky place
Builder Named For Southside Hydrotherapy Facility
Community Collaboration Takes Sting Out Of Varroa Mite
View from The Hill: Peter Dutton talks up nuclear replacements for coal-fired generators
Paul Keating lets fly at Foreign Minister Penny Wong and ASIO chief Mike Burgess
Albanese to announce $2 billion financing facility to boost economic relations with Southeast Asia
View from The Hill: Does Dunkley tell Peter Dutton he should give more attention to the former Liberal heartland?
View from The Hill: Dunkley byelection a poor result for Peter Dutton’s pitch for the outer suburbs
Grattan on Friday: The voters of Dunkley have government and opposition in a guessing game