Latest University of Exeter News

Have We Underestimated How Climate Change Drives Extreme Rain And Floods?
Deep parts of Great Barrier Reef ‘insulated’ from global warming – for now
OECD appoints Alvaro Santos Pereira as Chief Economist
South Australian researchers join forces with global defence consortium
UniSA and Uni of Adelaide join forces with global defence consortium
The human factor: why Australia’s net zero transition risks failing unless it is fair
Six big health benefits of birdwatching
Using MRI scans to improve lives of dementia patients
Tackling loneliness requires a new approach which addresses societal inequalities
Researchers chart large rise in eating disorders and self-harm amongst teenage girls
The Face Game: A citizen science project to learn how Artificial Intelligence will choose to appear to humans
Teens who trust online information find it less stressful
Free speech vs. harmful misinformation
Concussions may be associated with worse brain function at later age: study
The hype is out of this world, but mining in space won’t save the Earth
Dark cost of being toxic
Serotonin 2C receptor associated with obesity and maladaptive behavior
Service helps people ‘step up’ to shape future of ageing in Australia
Scientists warn of Earth’s unequivocal climate emergency
Reaching new heights in largest ever genome study
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm
NASA releases first Webb Telescope image of exoplanet
‘Spooky’ moths stay on target
Hot and dry conditions in UK causing unprecedented extreme wildfire danger
Extreme fire weather days in Australia have doubled
New GP blood test could help diagnose ovarian cancer faster and more accurately, according to research funded by Wellbeing of Women
Medical equality undermined by mistaken doctors
Plastic labelling needs ‘sustainability scale’
Study Finds Survivors of Weather-Related Disasters May Have Accelerated Aging in Monkeys
False claims about Covid must be repeatedly debunked, study finds
Most common forms of climate change misinformation found by researchers
Professor Ken Gregory obituary
Malaria parasites hide out in humans when it’s not mosquito season
Teen Museum Educators Increase Engagement, Learning, in Tween Visitors
UNSW online fieldwork knowledge exchange goes viral during pandemic
Young men living in individualistic societies more likely to feel lonely
Advice for people with dementia and carers in lockdown issued
Amazonian crops domesticated 10,000 years ago
‘Tequila’ powered biofuels more efficient than corn or sugar
Cat Food Mystery Foils Diet Study
Journeys of hoverflies
Healthy lifestyle may counteract genetic risk of dementia
Climate warming could increase malaria risk in cooler regions
Arctic coast erosion revealed by drone images