Latest University of Portsmouth News

A brief history of AI: how we got here and where we are going
Is dark matter’s main rival theory dead? There’s bad news from the Cassini spacecraft and other recent tests
If life exists on Jupiter’s moon Europa, scientists might soon be able to detect it
Stellar murder: when stars destroy and eat their own planets
Elephant calves have been found buried – what does that mean?
Need To Tackle Microplastics
AI could transform ethics committees
Russia’s space weapon: anti-satellite systems are indiscriminate, posing a risk to everyone’s spacecraft
Game changing gene therapies focus of £14m research hub
Surf group found safe after days at sea in Indonesia. A sea survival expert on what it takes to survive being lost at sea
Are you ready to become a Kilonova seeker?
QPRC Director Development and Environment announced
Researchers Looking World Over for Clever Dogs
Prehistoric ‘Sea Dragon’ Discovered on English Channel Coast Is Identified as a New Species
Diverse community of Flying, Spiky-Toothed Reptiles Inhabited Sahara 100 Million Years Ago
University to trial new approaches to freight and mobility