Latest University of Southern California News

Iron fuels immune cells – and it could make asthma worse
‘Noise’ in the machine: Human differences in judgment lead to problems for AI
Researchers create AI model to understand how brain activity relates to illness
Granting legal ‘personhood’ to nature is a growing movement – can it stem biodiversity loss?
Cancer-predisposition variants associated with adverse outcomes in rhabdomyosarcoma
New studies suggest millions with mild cognitive impairment go undiagnosed, often until it’s too late
Buyouts can bring relief from medical debt, but they’re far from a cure
Studying the Impact of U.S. Penal System ‘Pay-to-Stay’ Policies
Wanda Austin to join Apple’s board of directors
HKUST, CityU, CUHK and PolyU Co-organize Hong Kong Partners Week
Researchers design a national testing facility to simulate tornadoes, downbursts and gusts; Experiments will help them engineer buildings that can stand up…
Seismologists study Earth’s core using nuclear monitoring system
New 3D stretchable electronics can advance organ-on-chip technology
Erin Schuman is awarded with Brain Prize 2023
SoilTech industry-university center to develop technology to measure, track soil health
Are digital humans employees of future?
Light-based tech could inspire Moon navigation and next-gen farming
Researchers flip switch on electric control of crystal symmetry
Kangaroo gait research attracts $434k in ARC funding
What’s this ‘longevity’ diet, and will it really make you live longer?
UNITAR, GFPA and Longy School of Music Hold “Music As Healing” workshop
Stroke innovation on show at international conference
Virtual reality, autonomous weapons and future of war: military tech startup Anduril comes to Australia
Australian cities failing on walkability
IHR Emergency Committee regarding multi-country outbreak of monkeypox
Losing grandmother may trigger rise in depression for some of her survivors
How brain’s blue spot helps us focus our attention
Young people take centre stage at global conference on climate crisis
Scientists organize to tackle crisis of coral bleaching
A 20-second test to predict risk of major adverse events after surgery
New neural network explains human behaviours from dynamic brain activity
New neural network explains human behaviour from dynamic brain activity
A burden shared is a burden halved: twins in breast cancer study
Study Suggests Financial Holdings Influenced Key Votes For House Lawmakers
Tumour gene test could help to predict ovarian cancer prognosis
RE100 Leadership Awards 2020: Judging panels
Coral researchers recognized for significant contributions to field
New insight into sound amplification processes in inner ear
Coping strategies linked to mental health risks during girls’ puberty
Coral tells own tale about El Niño’s past
Anatomy of a frogfish: New book explores world of fishes with arms, legs
Worldwide study unlocks genetic secrets of grey matter
JCU researchers say g’day to USA