Latest UNSW News | Page 2

Tonga’s volcanic eruption could cause unusual weather for the rest of the decade, new study shows
What’s the difference between shyness and social anxiety?
Long-term prescription opioid use after hospital declining: study
UNSW remains committed to a voice for Indigenous Australians
Australia is getting a new digital mental health service. Will it help? Here’s what the evidence says
David Gonski AC Awarded Doctor Of Business
Eat a rock a day, put glue on your pizza: how Google’s AI is losing touch with reality
Ozempic found to reduce risk of kidney disease and death in people with diabetes
More than 300 million child victims of online sexual abuse globally: report
Beware Dangers Of Data Breach Fatigue
CSIRO Opens Innovation Program To SMEs In Clean Energy
‘Saving kidneys, hearts and lives’: Diabetes drug found to reduce risk of kidney disease and death
UNSW partners with Therapeutics Innovation Australia to boost RNA ecosystem
NeuRA CEO elected as 2024 Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science
Bird flu is hitting Australian poultry farms, and the first human case has been reported in Victoria. Here’s what we know
How a world record ‘squeeze’ could offer comfort for dark matter hunters
Masks work, our comprehensive review has found
Worried your address, birth date or health data is being sold? You should be – and the law isn’t protecting you
New Directions In Planning
The ‘dead internet theory’ makes eerie claims about an AI-run web. The truth is more sinister
How cultural and linguistic diversity is set to boom among older Australians
Casula Powerhouse Announces The Winners Of The 68th Blake Prize For Art And Poetry
Global Pairing Aims To Thwart Child Exploitation
Threatened species have declined 2% a year since 2000. Nature positive? Far from it
PrEP was earmarked $26m in the budget. What is it? Will it stop me getting HIV?
What is PrEP for HIV? Will it stop me getting infected?
Bypassing the blood brain barrier
People with disability suffer cruelty and maltreatment in detention: report
City Futures Research Centre receives $1 million to create state-of-the-art housing data lab
Green industry yes, conservation no: a budget for people, not for nature
154 million lives saved in 50 years: 5 charts on the global success of vaccines
What causes the different colours of the aurora? An expert explains the electric rainbow
Cancer Council NSW and UNSW partner to establish Australian-first research centre for cancer survivors
Too many Australians aren’t getting a flu vaccine. Why, and what can we do about it?
Most violent offenders with psychosis are known to mental health services: study
UNSW Secures Over $20m In Clinical Trial Funding
“Solar will be everywhere”: how renewable energy will meet 100% of electricity needs by 2050
Bilbies could hop back into mild climate zones: study
We looked at over 166,000 psychiatric records. Over half showed people were admitted against their will
Emerging researcher appointed to James Packer Chair in Mood Disorders at UNSW
The government wanted to avoid an inquiry into its deportation bill. Given the findings, it’s easy to see why
How is China being taught at Australian universities? And why does this matter? Here’s what our research found
Australia leads the charge with an ultrasonic cold brew coffee in mere minutes
Hear that? That’s the sound of an ultrasonic cold brew coffee ready in under three minutes
The Australian public service is letting Indigenous people down. How do we fix it?
AI can now generate entire songs on demand. What does this mean for music as we know it?
Jobs in quantum heat up, with scholarships on offer
UNSW to embark on landmark mangrove regeneration project in Fiji