Latest war crime News

Gender equality is a marker of peace and security
Türk urges all States to act over crises in Gaza, West Bank
Vital need to ensure humanitarian aid and protect humanitarian workers: Occupied Palestinian Territory/Israel
Denying food aid to starving families at risk of famine in northern Gaza will send more children to their graves
Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on the risk of famine in Gaza
UN Human Rights Chief deplores new moves to expand Israeli settlements in occupied West Bank
Widespread destruction by Israeli Defence Forces of civilian infrastructure in Gaza
Turk warns Israeli extensive destruction near Gaza border “grave breach” of Geneva conventions, possible war crime
Oxfam reaction to the IPC food security figures for Gaza
UN experts condemn forced eviction of east Jerusalem families: Israel
UN experts: Israeli air strikes and ground operations in Jenin may constitute war crime
UN expert: Widespread use of torture by Russian military in Ukraine appears deliberate
Hiria Anderson’s lifelike artworks added to University Art Collection
Killing of Civilians: Burkina Faso
Ukrainian, Russian Prisoners of War
Former Australian soldier charged with war crime
Former Australian soldier arrested
Those responsible for atrocities during 12 years of violence must be brought to justice: UN Syria Commission of Inquiry
UN experts alarmed by reports of boys taken from Camp Roj by de facto authorities: Syria
UN experts condemn renewed violence and Israeli killings of Palestinians in occupied West Bank: Israel/Palestine
Comment by UN Human Rights spokesperson Jeremy Laurence on deportation of Salah Hammouri from occupied Palestinian territory
UN report details summary executions of civilians by Russian troops in northern Ukraine
Over 50,000 exposed to forced evictions and housing destruction, say UN experts: Myanmar
Missile strikes on Ukraine and alleged POW executions underscore why international law must be respected
Attacks on civilians: Yemen
Reports of possible trials of Ukrainian prisoners of wars
MEAA House Committee statements in solidarity over killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
Ukraine: More than 20 schools attacked on average every day since escalation of war
Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on execution of 81 people in Saudi Arabia
UN experts say Israeli settlement expansion ‘tramples’ on human rights law
War Crimes Royal Commission Needed, Brereton Inquiry Deficient
General’s Campbell & Burr must resign to preserve integrity of Afghan War Crimes process
Mark Willacy and ABC Investigations team win Gold Walkley; ABC awarded for bushfires and coronavirus coverage
Report of alleged war crimes by Australian Defence Force in Afghanistan a distressing reminder of need
No question SAS committed war crimes in afghanistan, facilitated by failure of command
“most significant” inquiry of our times
Brereton report: what happens next?
ABC wins big in NT and NSW awards
SAS soldiers responsible for war crimes must lose more than their medals
Disturbing and shameful allegations of war crimes must be made public
ADF must own & address allegations of war crimes in Afghanistan
MEAA welcomes dropping of raid investigation but threat remains
Killing of two young children in Rakhine State is utterly unacceptable, says Save Children
Possible prosecution of journalist must be dropped – MEAA
War on journalism still raging a year after AFP raids
No charges but laws that criminalise journalism remain – MEAA
Quest for Genuine Muslim Leadership
Statement on Nakba