Water outage for Brunswick Heads Thurs 28 November – from 10pm


An overnight water outage is scheduled for Brunswick Heads on Thursday 28 November from 10pm to 6am on Friday 29 November, to allow a planned upgrade of the water network. During this time water will not be available.

Major works will be occurring on the trunk water main from the Brunswick Heads Water Reservoir on The Saddle Road towards town. A flow meter will be installed to assist with monitoring usage and improve leak detection.

While the water outage is in place, Council will also be upgrading two fire hydrants and installing an isolation valve on all five hydrants along the trunk main.

“The planned works will improve resources for emergency services and allow future repairs to be completed on single hydrants without the need to interrupt the town water supply,” Council’s Manager Utilities, Cameron Clark said.

The outage will affect all of the Brunswick Heads area, including Bayside, town and Ferry Reserve areas.

“Council aims to provide a continuous supply of water to the Shire, however on occasion, short term interruptions are essential to conduct maintenance which will improve the overall management of the water network”, Mr Clark said.

“We aim to conduct these operations after peak hours of water use to minimise any impact on residents, visitors and businesses,” he said.

Any impact can be further reduced by storing bottles of water for drinking and buckets for flushing the toilet or other household use during the water outage.

Business owners who require a continuous water supply should consider storing tap water in appropriate containers prior to the outage.

In the event of an emergency Council will immediately reconnect the water under instruction from Emergency Services. No other action is required from residents or businesses during the outage. Normal water supply is expected to resume at 6:00am on Friday 29 November.

Council will advise the Brunswick Heads community via letterbox drop, local media and roadside signage at the north and south entrance to town.

/Public Release. View in full here.