Wide Bay Burnett Crime And Community Safety Survey

Your local police are seeking your input to help them better service you and ensure community safety.

The safety and well-being of a community are often at the forefront of every resident’s mind and police play a vital role in ensuring its protection.

To provide better service and make informed decisions about community safety, it is essential to openly communicate with residents and seek feedback and opinions.

This is where your participation in the crime and community safety survey becomes essential.

This survey is an opportunity for residents to share their views and experiences of crime and community safety in their neighbourhood, perception of crime in the area, the effectiveness of the strategies in preventing and responding to crime and suggestions on how we can improve things together.

As a resident, you have a unique insight into the challenges and concerns of your community.

By participating in the survey, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with the us and help us make informed decisions.

The survey is anonymous and your responses will be kept confidential, so you can share your thoughts and opinions openly.

Your voice matters and your feedback can make a real difference in our efforts together to provide better protection and services to your neighbourhood.

If you wish to participate, the survey is accessible via the QR code below or via bit.ly/WideBayBurnettQPSSurvey

qr code

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.

/Public Release. View in full here.