Wilkie Should Stand Up For Clark Not Canberra

Simon Behrakis, Liberal Member for Clark

So called Independent Member Andrew Wilkie has squibbed yet another opportunity to fight for Tasmania.

Why does he choose to believe the Federal Labor Minister’s version of events when there isn’t even an allocation in the budget she can point to?

Labor has failed to plan and other Tasmanian port customers should not pay for what is squarely a federal responsibility.

Instead of backing in Tasmania and Tasmanian jobs, the Federal Member for Clark continues to piggy-back off his Canberra-buddy Tanya Plibersek who threatens progress in our State.

To accuse TasPorts of “price gouging” is gobsmacking when the legal responsibility of TasPorts is to secure the best deal for Tasmanians and one which is commercially evenhanded to charges for other port customers like SeaRoad, TT-Line, StraitLink and the cruise ships.

The only thing Mr Wilkie seems to be interested in is fighting against a fair deal, against jobs, against progress, and against Tasmania.

Mr Wilkie should remember who he represents and start fighting for Tasmania because at the moment he appears to be Canberra’s representative in Tasmania rather than the other way around.

/Public Release. View in full here.