World Problems: Journey Through Memory

A VCE Drama playlist 2024 performance, World Problems presented by Melbourne Theatre Company, will be performed at the Potato Shed 1pm and 7pm Wednesday 5 June.

Written by Emma Mary Hall and directed by Cassandra Fumi, World Problems is a gripping and cathartic examination of memory – where do you end and everything else begins?

A woman summons up her childhood with an intensity so visceral it seems to be playing out in front of us. But as her memories draw closer to the present, the space between the personal and the speculative grows ever more blurry.

World Problems is both comical and terrifying – a solo time capsule catapulting across the ages, it seamlessly merges the most private and intimate reflections with a world-spanning perspective.

“World Problems isn’t only a show for humans. This is a show for every living thing on this planet.” – My Melbourne Arts

Book now at, call 5251 1998 or visit the Box Office 10am-4pm Monday-to-Friday.

/Public Release. View in full here.