Latest psychiatry News

Bipolar disorder: we’ve pinpointed the brain areas which drive mood bias
Surgeon general’s call for warning labels on social media underscores concerns for teen mental health
Teenagers with ADHD more likely to self-harm, research shows
New Diagnosis Needed For Problem Gaming
Thank You Jeffrey Looi
Miranda Stiernborg receives International postdoc grant from the Swedish Research Council
Department of Health staff recognised in King’s Birthday Honours
Study claiming antidepressant withdrawal is less common than thought fails to account for risks in long-term users
Can Lifestyle Habits Influence Common Diseases?
Why, for some, psychotherapy might be a better treatment for depression than drugs
Pets give companionship, cuddles and joy – and also unavoidable stresses
Is Your Child Ready For Sleepaway Camp?
Most violent offenders with psychosis are known to mental health services: study
Childhood maltreatment responsible for up to 40 percent of mental health conditions
Unruly sports parents’ effect on children’s mental health
Omega-6 fatty acids could cut risk of bipolar disorder
Ghosted, orbited, breadcrumbed? A psychotherapist breaks down some perils of digital dating and how to cope
Which therapy works best to treat prolonged grief disorder?
Labor’s MIA In Perth On Mental Health Supports
Psychiatrist’s Mission To Help Philippines
Recognizing Silent Symptoms Of Stress
Escalation in harassment of MPs threatens democracy
Psychedelics could make mental health worse in people with a personality disorder
Exercise habits in youth create better health outcomes for some
Ultrasound therapy shows promise as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
Gender Care Practice Questioned
Psychiatrist Ullakarin Nyberg was herself affected by breast cancer
PTSD In Pregnant Women May Affect Risk Of ADHD In Child
Amazing Length Of Service
Linguistic clues can help detect mild cognitive impairment
Cognitive Impairment Varies Significantly Among Individuals with Newly Diagnosed Psychosis
Exploring the gut-brain connection in treatment-resistant schizophrenia
Patients with low income face hurdles in overcoming eating disorders
How to slow down before you burn out
Schema therapy is effective for treating severe depression
Call to hear new voices
Predicting psychosis before it occurs
Why are so many Australians taking antidepressants?
Visiting relative in prison made difficult by poor, inconsistent information, study finds
Opportunity to join Queensland’s Medical Assessment Tribunals
Record number of trainee Psychiatrists provide major boost to services
Alzheimer’s may have once spread from person to person, but the risk of that happening today is incredibly low
New year, new start: identifying right therapist
New Year’s resolutions: Why do we give up on them so quickly?
Super-ageing: defining exceptional cognitive ability in late-life
Managing holiday travel stress
Knock the rust off your social skills after pandemic setbacks
Research backs visual therapy to reduce harmful sexual fantasies